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Understanding the Invoice Totaling Type
Understanding the Invoice Totaling Type

I'm going to help demystify the Invoice totaling types and how they are different from each other.

Maria avatar
Written by Maria
Updated over 2 months ago

The best way to start out is by looking at a sample Package Template, how it's setup and then
we can see how the Invoice totaling type takes what is created in the Package, and turns it into
Invoice lineitems.

Let's first look at my sample Package Template:

This package is set to $2,500 as it's package price and then I added 7 products and services to the package template so that
I know exactly what comes with this specific package.

If you want to make your package taxable, then make sure you add at least one product to the package and set it to "Taxable: Yes"

And if you have multiple items added to the package, to make the whole thing taxable, make sure the FIRST item is marked as taxable, since that first item is used in 3 of the 4 totaling types.

When I go to create an invoice, i'm given the following choices on how I want to create the new Invoice from that package...

  • Place package total in first line item

  • Itemize each line items price

  • Package Name as one line item with total price

  • Package name with total price, then other items below

Here is how each Totaling Type populates the invoice with line items from the package template:

Place package total in first line item

It will take all of the items and list them out as lineitems, the first lineitem will have the package price,
and then each lineitem below will have a 0 price (Notice, there is no mention of the actual Package name anywhere, just the items inside it):

Itemize each line items price

It will take each item in the package template and list whatever the retail price you placed in that item's price field...
(Notice, if the retail prices of each item add up to MORE than your package price, then you'll want to adjust those individual prices)

Also good to note, whatever taxable setting you set on each product in that package will reflect whether or not that lineitem will be taxed or not...

Package Name as one line item with total price

This one is great if you just want the invoice to be simple and clean and you already have what that package comes with in the package description and don't have any items added to the package template.

Package name with total price, then other items below

This one is my personal preference when building my packages as it creates the first line item as the Package Name with the Package price, and then lists out everything else I added to it so that I can go back and reference this invoice in the contract text and so my clients know exactly what they're getting...

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