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[Video Walkthrough] All about Booking Pages
[Video Walkthrough] All about Booking Pages
Maria avatar
Written by Maria
Updated over 2 months ago

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Booking Pages allow you to set up a single page where multiple Clients can book a time slot, sign a Contract, and pay, all from one link; essentially a one-stop-shop! Some of you may be on our Essential Plan, which includes fewer options when it comes to Booking Pages, but in our Studio PRO Plan, you have access to unlimited Booking Pages and each page has unlimited services that can be booked! For only $50/month, there is literally unlimited amounts of money that can be made from these pages! One point we really want to drive home here is that there are SO MANY different ways Booking Pages can be used as well! We have many existing Pixifi users who have gotten extremely creative in their uses for this module, but in an effort to give you a good foundation of how they work, we are going to start by showing you some of the more basic ways we originally designed Booking Pages to be used! So let’s jump right in and show you how this works!


All of this Calendar-syncing and organization is great for your studio’s own functioning, but how can we transfer this to your Clients in a way that is useful to them? This is an example of how you can use a Booking Page to function as a virtual availability Calendar where your Clients could select something like “consultation" or even “family session" or any other time-slot based services you may wish to offer. By setting up working hours and even syncing your Calendars and your Staff’s Calendars to google/etc, your Client can essentially pick whatever time works best for them for whichever Event they’re attempting to schedule based solely on your availability (in other words, they don’t see that you’ll be at your daughter’s soccer game, they just see that you’re unavailable for that day/time). This can save you and your Staff members HOURS of correspondence with your Clients and Leads! So, let’s show you how to set something like that up first:

BOOKING PAGE used as a Virtual Availability Calendar (02:03)

Before we even create this service on the Booking Page, you will want to determine (and assign) who of your Staff members will be shown as available to meet this need or work this assignment. So we are actually going to go first to CONTACTS and STAFF MEMBERS to set that information up in their Staff profile. We’re going to set up their typical “Working Hours" which will basically define your “hours of operation" for any Booking Pages that have that Staff member assigned to them. However this does not take into account any dates/times that your Staff have marked as “unavailable" which your Client will also be able to see on their date-picker Calendar. You can also add in breaks below which are essentially built-in availability overrides. For example, every Tuesday and Thursday when I am in the studio, I will be taking a 1 hour lunch break and I don’t ever want to let anyone accidentally book up my lunch time! A girl need’sta EAT!

Now that we have set that all up, we are going to create the Booking Page for our Virtual Availability Calendar. Go to SETTINGS and BOOKING PAGES and select [+ Create New Booking Page]. As always, make sure your brand is set; then you can name your Booking Page and even enter a custom URL for that page. The visibility defaults to “PUBLIC" because the only people who can see this are people with access to your link anyway, but some people choose to set this to “PRIVATE" and require a password to view the Booking Page. If you set your Booking Page to “Auto-Approve Orders," the time slots your Clients select will be removed automatically from the listing and any services/products they select will generate an invoice for them to pay online and even prompt them to sign a Contract that you have attached to the service. You can choose from here whether you want your logo to show at the top of your Booking Page (as a note, most people will hide their logo if they’re embedding the page on their website). You can also Disable the “Addons" section in case you don’t want it to offer any upgrades or ala carte items and you don’t want it show up in the top “breadcrumb trail" nav bar. You can also upload a gorgeous header image for the Booking Page as well if you want! There are many other options that you can set for this Booking Page, but for now let’s skip past them and click [√ Save] to create our Booking Page now!


Now that we’ve created the Page, let’s create our first “Service" that our Clients can book! Click on the [+ Add Service] button and on the form, our very first option is the “Service Time-Slot Type" where you will have the option to choose either fixed time slots (where there is no overlapping or changing of time-slots offered) or incremental time-slots which are more flexible in nature in that you can offer overlapping possibilities for time selections, which subsequently causes any of the time-slots originally offered that may now overlap or conflict with that newly-booked Event, to disappear. This way, anyone else picking from the availability Calendar on that date won’t be able to choose a time-slot that conflicts with the one you’ve just booked.

So, now that your head is spinning like Regan, we’ll show you some of this in action for a point of reference!.
Let’s say I am Client #1 who is scheduling a consultation with Tim. I can choose from all of these time-slots which you will notice, overlap. Obviously, Tim cannot book a consultation with me at 5:15 and also allow Client #2 to book a consultation at 5:30, or things could get really crowded. So, when I select 5:15 as my desired meeting time, you’ll notice that when Client #2 goes to select his/her time-slot for a consultation with Tim, all the time-slots that would overlap or interfere with my booked session time have now disappeared. Got it? Good!

BOOKING PAGES used to Book Multiple Events on a Single Day (05:38)

Many of our Pixifi users book all different kinds of single-day Events like Mini-Sessions, Boudoir Marathons, and even Fundraising Events. To set up a booking page like this, simply create a new Booking Page the way you just learned to, and when you are creating the service you would just choose one specific date down here and then select your start and end times for that date. This will override all of your other typical work hours for that date for any Staff members assigned to this service. Next you’ll need to attach a price to this service, give it a name, and it looks really professional when you add an image.
On the right here, you can see that you have the ability to attach a Contract template, which, as you know, will auto-populate with your Client’s information for them to sign upon booking. You can assign required payments, payment terms (if you want them to pay online), Event reminders, attach a workflow, etc - and all of these things will apply to all “sub-Events" that have been booked within this larger “Event". We will go over the Advanced Service Options in our Extra Credit video. Don’t forget to click [√ Save] once you’ve completed the creation of your new service!

Now when you go up to the [View Booking Page (Secure)] button you can view your newly created Booking Page and see all of the services you are offering within it. This will be the link you send to all of your Clients (or even embed on your website), but we always recommend testing it out for yourself first to make sure that everything is displaying and functioning the way you want it to. You can even create a 100%OFF coupon code to use for yourself to test the entire booking process all the way through payment without having to actually pay yourself and then refund yourself. Cuz’ that’s JUST SILLY! This way you can fully familiarize yourself with your Client’s experience from start to finish! It always helps to see what they see BEFORE you blast the link out to your audience!

If you have your Booking Page set to “auto-approve," as your Clients begin to book their sessions, you will see their sessions show up as “Orders" on this page and also as booked Events in your Events Calendar. If you have set your bookings to “manually approve," this Orders section will become very useful, as you will have to manually approve each order as they come in before they will show up as Events in your Events Calendar. Something to note is that if you want to charge your Clients money from the Booking Page, you must set your Booking Page to “auto-approve" any orders that come in.


There are times where you may want to offer a coupon code or a discount as an incentive and possibly even include an expiration date to motivate your Clients to book quickly. If you scroll down all the way past the “Services" and “Add-Ons" sections of your Booking Page, you will see where you can customize your “Coupons/Discounts." Just click on the [+ Add Coupon] button and a pop-up window will emerge where you can name the Coupon, (your Client can’t see this) and then create the Coupon Code, which is what you want your Client to see and type into the coupon field available on their checkout form. We recommend you use ALL CAPS for coupon codes so that it’s easier to see and use, rather than a mixture of upper-case and lower-case characters. Choose the “Type" of discount that will apply to your Client’s invoice, whether it’s a fixed amount or a percentage of their total. By entering the “Amount," you will use only numbers and Pixifi will automatically convert whatever you enter into a negative fixed amount or a percentage, based on the type of discount you chose above.

In some instances, you might want to have an expiration date or a max # of uses for your coupon codes. One example of when you might use an expiration date could be something like an early-bird special where your coupon code works until a certain pre-selected time. Setting a maximum number of uses may be advantageous in situations where you would like to offer a set number of available coupons and your Clients can take advantage of them on a first-come, first-serve basis until they’re all claimed! Sometimes these tools can be used as helpful incentives for your Clients to book their Event!


Class dismissed! Thank you for taking the time to learn all about Booking Pages. In this video, we showed you how to set up “working hours" for your Staff and went over Services and Service types. We showed you how to create Booking Pages for multiple purposes and gave a few examples of each! We also learned all about coupon codes and how they can be used on your Booking Pages! In the next class, we will be going over the Money Module in detail! We are going to show you the money! !!!!!

If you want to get a leg up on your classmates, here are a few “extra credit assignments" for you! Hold onto your britches, though! It’s getting pretty intense!

EXTRA CREDIT FOR Class 303: Booking Pages

Welcome to extra credit for Booking Pages! All of the things we are going to cover in this video aren’t required skills necessary to create amazing and useful Booking Pages… BUT if you learn how to implement them, you’ll likely find even more value in them, as you will be able to do more advanced variations of bookings!

Advanced Service Options (00:25)

Within each “Service" you will find the opportunity to manipulate Advanced Options for that specific service. Within that drop-down, there are a bunch of different things you can do to tailor the service you’re offering to meet various needs based on how you want that Booking Page to function. This also gives you greater control over when people can book and how they can book. Let’s go down the list and talk about some of them:

Google Calendar (00:49)

If you have the Google Calendar Sync set up in the External Integrations section of your Settings Module, you will see this drop-down box display all of the Google Calendars you are the owner of, and whichever ones you check will contribute to determining your availability. In Google, as you create your Events there is a setting that asks “show me as:" and you want to make sure it is set to “busy" if you don’t want to be seen as “available" during that time on your Pixifi Calendar and someone could book a timeslot during that time.

Day of the Week Booking (01:19)

Here is where you determine which days of the week someone can book a session, which would be completely ignored if you have the “Specific Date Only" option set above, but without that override in place, this is where you can pre-select which days of the week you are willing to make yourself available for this service. For example, some people have other full or part-time jobs and can only schedule sessions on certain days, or some people will only book sessions in their studio on Fridays. On the right column, you can also increase or decrease the Service price on that specific day.

Max # of Events that can be Booked for one day (01:52)

This setting here will look at all of your Pixifi Events for that specific date and once you’ve reached that max number of Events, then this specific service will no longer offer timeslots (for that date).

Staff Member Schedule (02:07)

When this setting is enabled, the Pixifi Booking System will check the Pixifi Calendar for Events that have already been booked on that date. As it is searching with these parameters set, it will only look for conflicting Events that are associated with the specific Staff Member the Client chose for the service. This, in turn, will allow MULTIPLE Events to be scheduled at the SAME time on the SAME day with different Staff members! Conversely, when you toggle this setting to [NO] it will only look for Events scheduled on that date for that time without filtering by specific Staff member so no other Events for that date AND time can be booked.

One example for when you might need either setting is for Mini-Sessions. Let’s say that Mokeh Studios is a smaller sized studio but since Christmas Mini-Sessions can be somewhat of a marathon day, they want to take an “all-hands on deck" approach and schedule multiple Staff members to be present in the studio for the entirety of the day. They have lots of talented photographers who have developed a rapport with various Clients and they want to allow their Clients the ability to choose which Staff member they want for their session, but since they’re in a small studio, only one Client can hold their session during any given time slot. Any Staff members present who are not shooting are helping with the overall production. In this instance, you would set the toggle to [NO] so that the Client can choose a Staff member but only one session can be booked during that specific time slot on that day.

Now let’s fast-forward to Spring, and Mokeh Studios is holding their annual spring mini sessions at the local park; outdoors with plenty of space! All 7 of their talented photographers are available to book for the various time slots offered that day and they can all be holding sessions at the same time! In this scenario, you would set the toggle to [YES] so that any of your Clients could select their desired time slot with their desired photographer without removing that time slot from any of the other photographer’s schedules for that day!

So get ready for a #mindblown moment here: Some of our Pixifi users have gotten pretty creative with their use of these Advanced Options and have found that these settings can work very well for Photo Booths! They essentially create “Staff MEMBERS" named PhotoBooth1, PhotoBooth2, PhotoBooth3, PhotoBooth4, and so on.... And when they toggle [YES], they are leaving the door open for multiple Clients to book different photo booths for their weddings or other Events (until they have no more photo booths left to book!). There really are so many different ways you can set this feature to function in a useful way for your studio.

Thank you for taking the extra time to explore this extra credit section! We know you’re an overachiever and we’re so proud of your accomplishments! Keep going, you’re getting closer and closer to graduating Pixifi Academy!

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