How to track time on a project
1. Navigate to
2. Select the project you want to track time
3. Click "Time Tracking"
4. Three pie graphs show you your data in a way that’s designed to be easy to analyze. The first graph shows a breakdown of the time by task, the second graph shows time Invoiced vs. un-Invoiced, the last showing billable vs. non-billable hours.
5. Button labeled [Invoice Time] - any time entries set as “billable" within this section will be pulled in to populate an Invoice for billable time on that Project.
6. Click on the [+ Add Time] button from within any of your Task lists, the pop-up box will automatically name what you want to work on, automatically select the task, and if the task is assigned to a staff member it will automatically default to that person as the one who is working on it as well as auto-populating their hourly rate.
7. Here you can confirm the time is marked billable
8. You also have visibility into the invoice status